Friday, October 13, 2006



Blogger Henchy said...

I barely remember Robo-Cop 1 and I definitely don't remember Robo-Cop 2 but I do kinda remember Dick Tracy. I remember that it was a total piece of shit except for his royal badass Dustin Hoffman, who played Mumbles. My Dad and my sister made fun of me when they saw that because Mumbles reminded them of me at the time because during my teenage years I mumbled a lot. It was a real confidence booster.

But I'm going to have to go with my gut and the blatantly obvious and say that Robo-Cop 2 would fucking kill Dick Tracy's ass and then use his body parts to start a new donut franchise made specially for robot policemen.

But not before he would steal Madonna from him and laugh about how small his dick really was.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Michael Tonight said...

robocop 2 the cyborg would waste dick tracy the detective, and i suppose robocop 2 the movie was better than dick tracy the movie.

trivia corner: i just found out that frank miller wrote the first draft of the script of robocop 2. y'all may have already known that.

1:41 AM  

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